2023 September NKCBC Second Friday Coffee
Join us for coffee and conversation at the Second Friday Coffee networking event held each month at a different North Kansas City Business Council member location. It's a valuable opportunity to interact with your fellow North Kansas City Business Council members and meet and visit with other NKC business owners and professionals, as well as elected officials and civic leaders.
This month's 2nd Friday Coffee will be hosted by the North Kansas City YMCA. Due to COVID-19, the YMCA lost some of it's momentum, but under new leadership, Executive Director, Andrea Toney, has it back on track! Make sure you attend to hear more about the North Kansas City YMCA, Andrea Toney, & the future it has in store. Join us on September 8th, 2023, at 7:30AM. See you there!

Date and Time
Friday Sep 8, 2023
7:30 AM - 9:00 AM CDT
North Kansas City YMCA
1999 Iron St.
North Kansas City, Mo.
This event is free and guests are welcome!
Contact Information
Alexis Brown
Events & Member Services Coordinator
Send Email